Want to learn even more?
This journey started long ago. For Elohim knew the plans He had for me, far before I knew of them.
I am a wife, a mother of 3, grandmother of 8, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a neighbor, a friend. Yet foremost I am a child of God - my Elohim. Like all children, I am inquisitive and love to learn. Many have heard it said that we should be disciples and spread the gospel, yet did you know that the Hebrew word for disciple is talmid?
It means student. I am a student of the Messiah.
Throughout my lifetime, I have developed a reputation for always asking the question, "Why"?

תַּלְמִיד - talmîḏ - student
"I love those who love me. Those who earnestly seek me find me."
On August 1, 2020, everything came to a central focus.
Elohim had a mission for me.
I was caught off-guard, as I was pursuing what I then considered important for my women's bible study fellowship. He changed that direction; He had other plans. I had been using YouTube as a means for this Bible study outreach in response to COVID-related gathering requirements. But that channel has since exceeded precedent for not only video upload requests, but now printed reading materials.
That need has resulted in this website: The Disciples Table.
I enjoy reading the comments as some of them truly bring to the table. It inspires me to continue with His mission. Consider that it isn't just me completing this mission, but all those who are also eagerly searching for a deeper understanding of HIS majesty. It's wonderful to see how merely being a student can spread to others.
We will do our best to meet the needs of those that are eager to learn, and perhaps together we will discover some marvelous "hidden" manna that will meet our hungry appetites.
In His service,
Lisa Foster