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Elohim's ways are not man's ways. We invite you to celebrate this New Year Elohim's way. Join us and return to the ancient paths. 


Thus says יְהוָה : “Stand in the roads and look. Ask for the ancient paths— where the good way is—and walk in it. Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We won’t walk in it.’

                                                                 Jeremiah 6:16

12th Chodesh WaterBearer 2024.png
Water Bearer Antique Constellation Prints.png

Water Bearer

Updated February 16, 2024

Click below for

The first day, rosh chodesh 
February 9
2024 this solar year.
(The IAU boundaries are NOT in agreement for this chodesh in 2024)

(S) Stellarium 
Azimuth 180° 00'00.4"

Daily Observation 


It appears that daily observation is what is necessary to determine each of  the 12 1st days of the chodeshim. For the 12th  chodesh we expected it to be a few days later than it actually was. 

There have been more and more Facebook posts arguing over when a day starts.  It is interesting that this was the same discussion during the days of Antiochus, the High Priest Onais, the Qumran community, the Sadducees and the Pharisees.  Be careful not to take offense if you feel obliged to engage in these discussions. You are not fighting against flesh and blood but principalities.  What was done will be done again.  There is nothing new under the sun.



Goat Antique Constellation Prints.png

11th Chodesh 2024

Water Bearer Antique Constellation Prints.png

12th Chodesh 2024

Fishes Antique Constellation Prints.png

1st Chodesh 2024

Therefore, just as the Ruach ha-Kodesh says, “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness.

- Hebrews 3:7-8

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