Elohim's ways are not man's ways. We invite you to celebrate this New Year Elohim's way. Join us and return to the ancient paths.
Thus says יְהוָה : “Stand in the roads and look. Ask for the ancient paths— where the good way is—and walk in it. Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We won’t walk in it.’
Hamas and the 6th Chodesh
Hamas in the Hebrew language is חָמָס. Strong's concordance gives us a definition of "violence". Some believe that this could also be defined as "upheaval". For that is just what we encountered when trying to determine the first day of the Rosh chodesh for this 6th month. After days and using Stellarium and Starry Night Pro we have decided that August 5th was more often the choice when we looked for the data to support this day on several different days. Interestingly enough the sun and moon both were in close proximity in 587BC when Jerusalem and the 1st Temple were destroyed. On this first day of the chodesh/month there was also upheaval in the global markets. "$6.4 Trillion Stock Wipeout Has Traders Fearing ‘Great Unwind’ Is Just Starting" - Bloomberg.com August 5, 2024
This year the sun and the moon are in the same constellation, The Lion. But using Elohim's timepiece, the sun, we are now in the 6th chodesh. While those using the moon count it as the 5th chodesh, the month of Av, just as it was 2609 years ago. The reason is because they are holding onto the tradition and not accounting for the progression of the equinoxes. But no worries, Elohim knew man's thoughts on the subject.
We have found that when the sun and the moon begin their 1st day on the same day SOMETIMES there are significant events that unfold, as was the case last year on October 7th when both the sun and the moon started their count on September 16th. Certainly August 5th this year was significant in many ways, especially since man's religion is money.
Moons are also for appointed times. So, let's see if the full moon on August 19th becomes something noteworthy. The Democratic Convention began on this day where and when VP Kamala Harris will accept her party's nomination for President of the United States of America. After 3 nights and 3 days she accepted her party's nomination. This all will begin on the 162nd day of Elohim's year. 162 = IDOL, on the 15th day of the chodesh/month 15 = COVENANT: Peace, Joy. By definition a covenant is a formal agreement or promise between two or more people.
We were looking for confirmation for declaring the start date of August 5th for Elohim's timepiece. This might be just the ticket.
Whereas on the 153rd day of Elohim's timepiece, August 10, 2024, Donald Trump's campaign team claims that its internal messages were hacked by Iran. We have been addressing the significance of 153 in our most recent videos on our YouTube Channel. -(edited on September 12, 2024)