Elohim's ways are not man's ways. We invite you to celebrate this New Year Elohim's way. Join us and return to the ancient paths.
Thus says יְהוָה : “Stand in the roads and look. Ask for the ancient paths— where the good way is—and walk in it. Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We won’t walk in it.’

The Archer
Updated December 31, 2024
Click below for
The first day, rosh chodesh
December 3rd
2024, this solar year.
(The IAU boundaries are NOT in agreement for this chodesh in 2024)
(S) Stellarium
Azimuth 180° 00'00.0"
Something Is Coming
Last year the sun entered the Archer on December 12th. We have included an image of this day's event because the sun is VERY MUCH in the sign of the Scorpion still. Yet, YHVH does not change. It appears that the sun has just past Antares. That is nowhere near The Archer. But we have run the data over and over again and it is solid every time we pull it up with the exception of the seconds 6, or 4 seconds.
​There is an interesting observation here. Antares is a red super giant star and one of the largest stars visible to the naked eye. It's traditional name Antares derives from the Ancient Greek, meaning rival of Ares, due to the similarity of its reddish hue similar to the appearance of Mars. The Greeks called the planet Ἄρεως á¼€στἡρ (Areos aster), or "star of Ares". And this is where things get interesting. On January 13th, the last day of this 10th (10 has the meaning of fullness) chodesh at 23:29:6 the moon will enter its full moon stage and continue into January 14th 01:24:44, (the 1st day of the 11th chodesh!) and Mars will be there! We explain the Hebrew name for "Mars" in the video, Rediscovering Elohim's timepiece - The Flood at the 41:03 mark. The short answer "destruction".

January 13: The full moon hides bright Mars
On the evening of January 13, the full moon will slowly slide in front of Mars – in what we call an occultation – visible from the Americas and Africa. Those outside of these locations will see the moon and the red planet quite close together. And Mars is just two days from opposition, when it’s opposite the sun in our sky and close to Earth. So, it will be at its brightest, helping you to see it close to the full moon. The timing of this event depends on your location. For example, from Chicago you’ll want to start watching around 8:00 p.m. CST to see the lunar orb inching closer to Mars. In San Diego, you can start watching around 5:30 p.m. PST, not long after the moon has risen from your location. The moon will take 20 to 70 minutes to pass in front of Mars, depending on your location. For more information from this article click the button link above.
What are we looking at? Presently we are looking at the numbers 23:29:6. We have finished the 1st part of Daniel, Dreams and Dynasties and these numbers are a few of the ones that have meaning.